was called by the largest North American Bumper Plater
to redesign a 3000 gal acid tank. This tank-measured
9ft long by 8 ft wide a depth of 7 ft. Conventional
design wisdom was used with a few twists. A traveling
crane places A fifteen hundred lb. load of bumpers on
the tank’s upper edge every two minutes 24 hrs. a day
6.5 days a week. Due to previous electrical buzzing
problems, the top edge was electrically divided into a
POS and NEG zone using the electrical isolation
properties of FRP.
Problems with chemical maintained required the tank be
drained and manpower was required to sweep out and mop
clean plating sediment weekly. Rayplex designed this
tank to drain clean using slop to a central drain.
Plant personal just washed the tank clean with a hose
from outside the tank. Savings included confined space
entry procedures. Safety man now performs other
essential maintenance work.
A skimming weir (not shown) was added to liquid level.
This allows floating impurities to drain off and
replacement acid is added for makeup. Spent material
was sent to pollution system for ph adjustment.
The blue ribs shown are structural steel that was
laminated into the tank. Steel ribs dissipated the
dynamics forces the tank received plus keep the tank
from distorting under liquid load.
This tank was installed in 1995 and to date has
required no maintenance service calls.
Rayplex provided the customer with transportation jigs
and custom-made moving dollies for a zero damage
The tank was fabricated from Hetron 197 using hand
laminating. Canadian Government Standards Boards
specification 41-GP- 22 was the fabrication standard.
There were no agreed deviations from the standard.